
Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
Wherein Dom immediately puts Matt on the spot, Emily is the reason for the season, insidezero @ Chapel Off Chapel, DI has a real Cat and he knows anniversary dates, Tim Apple knows (thank you D. Trump), a technological slice of life from Bradshaw family home, the Segway segue.
We discuss What In The World Would You Get Rid Of?, DI’s goal to have a permanent Wednesday bowls club meeting, the Mall’s Balls, Get Organised!, Dom now has a family, cassettes were awful, something came off Dom, “What, Grandpa?”, DI earns money to buy a melted cassette, “Catherine”.
Also; This Is Exciting, MB friends kicking goals after he leaves, a lousy MJ impression, Blackie Lawless’ sawblade, the unlikelihood of little miracles, reverse parking, our podcast as therapy and ‘processing’, too busy, Bamboo Air, how much in Super to retire?, schools as businesses, plastic brains and iPads.
And: Macadamia nuts vs Maltesers, DI as a good partner, big balls doesn’t mean tiny d*ck, Brussels spouts in a smoothie, cold water, the flattest continent, how’s your bread?, Fawlty Towers was a show, Tell Me Something You’ve Never Told Anyone Before, DI’s abscess and MB tells an accidental cat tale, “the Matchbox 20 song”.
Plus: Siri interrupts, Fesshole, keep it light!, fowl molestation, Chat GPT, Japanese toilet, fatbergs, hit single and go away, Darwin’s John Spellman, Russell Crowe is a nice guy, when MB met Jack Thompson.
Segway death: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/segway-co-owner-drives-segway-off-cliff-dies/
The Mall’s Balls: https://www.rundlemall.com/visit/things-to-do/the-malls-balls
The Diary of a CEO podcast: https://stevenbartlett.com/the-diary-of-a-ceo-podcast/
The Economics of a One-Hit Wonder: https://thinkgrowth.org/the-economics-of-a-one-hit-wonder-bc64431f51c1
email: podcast@trcduo.com
FB: @Two Ring Circus
FB: @MattyBBradshaw
FB: @Dom Italiano Music
Instagram: instagram.com/trcduo
Twitter: twitter.com/trcduo

Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Wherein there are Sticky Moments, the YouTubes, camp-ers, words with no dis-opposites, DI is the Human Wheel Of Fortune, smelly car smelly car what have they been feeding you? (smell particles exist).
We discuss that DI is super really exhausted, MB is back working with studio clients, DI nerds out with students (and us), everything needs to be actioned before everything else, Dom’s back in the band, MB’s Melbourne Musical Journey (shared partners possible, DI fills in the gaps), dry wet dry, Groove @ Crown Casino on May 29th.
Also; DI closes venues (and other things), re-jumbling of finance = fiancée, Covid is the stuff of movies, Contagion is still Trending, Dustin Hoffman and some monkeys, Del Boy, Open All Hours (you are!)
And: cartoon voice improvisation, how much can a Blinky Bill bear?, coming back to f*ck, that giraffe’s too Muttley, Ringo Possum, wombats have a cleft lip (confusing), DI doesn’t like literal, the SF Zoo Okapis and Oryxes.
Plus: Political Correctness (gone mad?), snowflake labels, one can’t just pick The One Thing, why we have language, a disagreement curtailed, don’t start the biscuit talk.
email: podcast@trcduo.com
FB: @Two Ring Circus
FB: @MattyBBradshaw
FB: @Dom Italiano Music
Instagram: instagram.com/trcduo
Twitter: twitter.com/trcduo

Sunday May 02, 2021
Sunday May 02, 2021
Wherein DI is suspenseful, Bernard TomItaliano gets a mention, there's something everywhere, Jose vs JoseB (can we even say can that anymore?), vs lookylikies, and autobiographical songs are mentioned.
We discuss why made for Netfilx movies are no good, Latin names for things, the fact that just because one hears something doesn't mean it happened, Australian films - an opinion.
Also; the efficiency of the urinal, gross ladies' rooms, teaching chords, and sea stars (not fish), first-borns are always the favourite?
And: Powerhouse Rosie, Dom's new record pre-production, re-working old songs, oat milk (isn't milk), the best grilled cheese ever, squirty bread, work work work, the hair security blanket.
Plus: the biscuit rant, the chocolate debate, DI's Dad's quote, which one is Jordan Peele?
RELEASE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7A2r415nun4
email: podcast@trcduo.com
FB: @Two Ring Circus
FB: @MattyBBradshaw
FB: @Dom Italiano Music
Instagram: instagram.com/trcduo
Twitter: twitter.com/trcduo

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
The TRC Show - Episode 158 - ‘We’re Back!! OR Are You Circumcised?
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wherein… WE’RE BACK!! and there’s a Commitments reference, a Coolroom reference, hiatus hernia is discussed (see below), Therese can tie a knot in a snake, and it’s post-gig at Crown Casino.
We discuss balloon animals, Long and Deep is the new duo, which Ronnie would you be?, DI has a teaching degree, the front guy or the support, why did that stop?
Also; MB returned from RAdelaide, relatives-in-love, ALL of the skin, the first time someone touched it, stuff that’s common, “take a bit more off”, DI’s dad’s jokes, frangatang, oral sex, a callback, what one sees in the Socials, we have an original gig together, Nic Beeeee, finding new things to do.
And: Woodstock (the bird, not the festival), comic strips must be funny, a Snowy the dog impression, Finnish pig noise, Finnish duck noise, inadvertent cultural insensitivity, we never mean to type DUCK, Adelaide Fringe report - Chameleons & popcorn, balloon swallowing & Ross Noble, DI hates an autobiography.
Plus: DI & MB in Berlin “boop”, August 10th!, our Rocky Horror Show, Helen Mirren, The Anywheres - many photo shoots, DI teaching stories, The Goonies, vocalist gender specifics, mumbly marimbas.
Hiatal Hernia:
occurs when the upper part of your stomach bulges through the large muscle separating your abdomen and chest (diaphragm).
Your diaphragm has a small opening (hiatus) through which your food tube (esophagus) passes before connecting to your stomach. In a hiatal hernia, the stomach pushes up through that opening and into your chest.
is swelling and irritation of the thin, saclike tissue surrounding your heart (pericardium). Pericarditis often causes sharp chest pain and sometimes other symptoms. The chest pain occurs when the irritated layers of the pericardium rub against each other.
Four Candles:
email: podcast@trcduo.com
FB: @Two Ring Circus
FB: @MattyBBradshaw
FB: @Dom Italiano Music
Instagram: instagram.com/trcduo
Twitter: twitter.com/trcduo

Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Wherein it’s another big one, and MB is confused about the world of podcast recording.
We discuss (lucky & grateful) MB’s iso-birthday weekend, DI wants quiet birthday time, why MB won’t organise his own stuff (feels awkward about other people doing it too), what motivates us, frigates, bands are hard when you’re an adult, DI’s means to an end, Mr Big was Billy’s, Shy Boy.
Also; Irwin Thomas in a basement, Brett Garsed, John Farnham, worldwide success (thwarted), DI says RAD, dance scenes in movies, where’s the “1”?, DI’s bed routine - no pyjamas, too much dog anus (and surfeit of genitalia), Harvey getting dressed, Scritchie’s birth certificate.
And: weird FB friend requests, DI culling, distracted by The Comments, MB feeling bad about deleting a friend request - DI assists, stalkers turning nasty, Chuck Berry off-stage.
Plus: DI’s in a songwriting situation, we discuss songwriting (surprise!), who thinks they’re being clever?, mitosis, placeholder lyrics, Only Yoooooooou, managing staff as a songwriting metaphor, “Two Aces” and “Doggy”, DI goes blue.
email: podcast@trcduo.com
FB: @Two Ring Circus
FB: @MattyBBradshaw
FB: @Dom Italiano Music
Instagram: instagram.com/trcduo
Twitter: twitter.com/trcduo

Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Wherein DI in a dressing gown, and each we Spade Face.
We discuss MB’s early b’day gifts, bedroom sneak(er)ing, what we can’t do, MB does a VR meeting, visiting the Fifth Province, Dry (Half) July, #meeeeetoo, MB goes plumbing, DI goes carpenting.
Also; thermostats & zoning, long sleeved t-shirt discussion, Clampy Spanner, what was thing thing called…?, Are You Old Enough?, cultural change as regards age, 24/7 pornography, get it now (and get it delivered.)
And: why some venues aren’t as busy, knowing songs by title?!, Am I Every Gonna See Your Face Again?, relative distances, Kevin Bloody Wilson - comedian discussion ensues.
Plus Movie Recommendations - a Netflix doco DI doesn’t name, Dark Waters, Knives Out, the Hunt, the King of Staten Island, Uncut Gems, Ready or Not, DI references last week MB tries to brush it off (gets ignored), a quick Covid update.
email: podcast@trcduo.com
FB: @Two Ring Circus
FB: @MattyBBradshaw
FB: @Dom Italiano Music
Instagram: instagram.com/trcduo
Twitter: twitter.com/trcduo

Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Wherein it’s the longest for a while, and there’s equidistant heads.
We discuss slideshows, whispering walls, Rebel Wilson is likeable, online shopping, the 80% MB doesn’t want to talk to, how hard is it to be nice (when everything happens for a reason?), DI on “The Anywheres”, Matt-splaining, entertaining(?)
Also; it gets heavy a bit by accident, MB talks about his head, single life, pledging, energy in/energy out, embarrassment, disconnection, experiencing career loss, live-stream numbers.
And: comfort in despair, feeling diminished, hibernation, where’s the tool for ‘here’?, manopause, DI does some reassuring, sharing space, letting people down, we want to contribute, nothing much helps, DI wants to swing ‘em.
Plus: Finance and how it relates to cats, re-lockdown areas in Vic, parentalage, Don and Ozzy’s extra singers, (Sub-)Dom, 35 attempts at a live lyric video (and who cares?), DI in the studio, motivation, DI’s DAG mug (thanks Matty Bright), codeine for fun, online “conversations” - why they don’t work, Covid-19 kerfuffles - government failings, God Bless ‘Em but…, penny farthings.
email: podcast@trcduo.com
FB: @Two Ring Circus
FB: @MattyBBradshaw
FB: @Dom Italiano Music
Instagram: instagram.com/trcduo
Twitter: twitter.com/trcduo

Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Wherein both Dick Van Dyke and Max Headroom get an early run, and we are forced to question our motivation.
We discuss the pronunciation of DI’s name and heritage, rapscallion definition, clouds, MB paraphrases DI’s lyrics.
Also; a breakdown of “Ripples”, DI’s dog-groomer’s sister, ‘muse’, DI’s process, how songs are written atm - know your music history.
And: singers who only sing, DI tells an anecdote about The Anywheres,
Plus: MAFS, Big Brother, ‘engaged content’, re-restrictions, us keeping voice-memos of song ideas, the Holocaust Museum in Berlin.
email: podcast@trcduo.com
FB: @Two Ring Circus
FB: @MattyBBradshaw
FB: @Dom Italiano Music
Instagram: instagram.com/trcduo
Twitter: twitter.com/trcduo

Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Wherein there’s almost immediately a Benny Hill and a Sexy R2D2.
We discuss songwriting philosophies, too hot for polar fleece, The Devil Next Door - a synopsis.
Also; online breakdowns - our experiences, MB requires 24 hours, Wang Out Wednesday, James is a quitter, TRC aeroplane irresponsibility, resurrecting Apple Photos and DI refuses vociferously.
And: cruise ship bookings, Bill Burr, DI’s holiday agenda, DI’s views on functionless clothing, “know any good songs?”
Plus: song creation/performance, DI’s messages of support, self-awareness, MB sees everything in inches, we don’t have time, MB as Kid Rock (ok?), give me the guide book!, big body, tiny head.
The Devil Next Door: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11165002/
email: podcast@trcduo.com
FB: @Two Ring Circus
FB: @MattyBBradshaw
FB: @Dom Italiano Music
Instagram: instagram.com/trcduo
Twitter: twitter.com/trcduo

Saturday Jun 20, 2020
The TRC Show - Episode 152 - ‘Blood Worms?! OR The Goose And The Gandalf’
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Wherein it’s the worst start to a show ever, DI has a scratch on his neck, and We’re All From Somewhere Else.
We discuss “tummy” aches, bowel aches, and blood worms; “sustenance corner”, brass and wool, #cancelculture - who’s to blame?, MB explodes about Roman roads.
Also; deep frying stuff, MB’s never had a Gaytime, inclusive Smurf’s hat, Chris Lillie (back to cancel culture), DI gives up, something you wish you’d never seen - check the hard drive, check the patio.
And: “they seemed like a normal family”, how change occurs, the rise of facism, US Democratic Party is a basket case.
Plus: The Anywheres album is almost ready, packed in like eggs, DI’s back gigging at The Brandon, the corporation situation, bookended.
email: podcast@trcduo.com
FB: @Two Ring Circus
FB: @MattyBBradshaw
FB: @Dom Italiano Music
Instagram: instagram.com/trcduo
Twitter: twitter.com/trcduo